فقرات في اللغة الانجليزية متوقعة لباك 2018

فقرات متوقعة في اللغة الانجليزية

هذه الفقرات عناوينها مكتوبة بالعربية لان هناك تلاميذ ضعفاء في هذه اللغة
1\ #education:::::::::::: الـتـعـلـيـم

The education it's necessary to all countries in the world, because it's help us to evaluate our skills and assisting the others
Comparing in the education between the countries for example the U.S.A. it working hard and striving the students in all sections,
Then it's education with high level and promotion and it's by payment.
As for the education in Algeria it's less about U.s.a.،because here not qualify to entry an international university like Oxford or Cambridge ،and it's free.
After all the education is obligatory and duty for everyone.

2/ #the_counterfeite ::::::: الـتـزويـر

The counterfeit it's act violating the law ,and it's businesses of crimes like money laundering and the piracy of deposition and many illegal businesses and the doer had go place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes, and pay a big quantity of many.
And this phenomenon expending in all around the world and become to be a habit between the criminals.
We are already to intelligible the danger of this illegal businesses who refer to the economic world and the corruption society.
The illegal businesses had evident in the development capitals and begin to expending even invaded all the world.
And in finally I say
The law never safe the fools.

3/ #ancient_civilizations::::  الـحـضـارات الـقـديـمـة 

Centuries ago, many civilizations rose, flourished but unfortunately they collapsed this is due to many reasons.
First, internal &external conflicts and wars contributed in a way or another in the collapse of same civilizations because of the lake of stability and security.
Next, climate change elso led the decline of ancient civilizations.since ancient civilizations depended mainly in agriculture, when was drought or flood, people couldn't develop an agriculture and thus they weren't able to maintain there civilizations.
Finally,the selfishness of some rulers the end of ancient civilizations.the fact that the pharaohs were buried with treasure behind the collapse of Egyptian economy and Thu the decline of Egyptian civilizations, to conclud with,thought ancient civilizations declined long time ago, they still have an effect on our modern life.

4\ #the_corruption::::::::: الـفـساد

The corruption is very dangerous phenomenon that threatens societies world wide.
So, something should be done to eradicate it as soon as possible.
First, the government should pass strict laws to protect the citizens from corruption and punishe corrupted people.then they must appoint honest civil servants who work honestly for the country and who don't commit illegal practices such as bribery, embezzlement....moreover,the government should also fight tax evasion.everyone who has revenue has to pay taxes.especially those with high revenues, and the laws must punish those who don't pay.
Finally, we should teach our workers moral values and respect of ethics in their businesse.

In conclusion, the fight against the corruption isn't the responsibility of the government only, citizens should olso participate in this fight.
#موفقون انشاء الله

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فقرات في اللغة الانجليزية متوقعة لباك 2018 فقرات في اللغة الانجليزية متوقعة لباك 2018 Reviewed by Bac algeria on 3:03 ص Rating: 5